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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Three Years Old

How can it be that my little girl is three! Wow, does time ever fly. Claire has taught me so much since she's been here. It sounds so cliche, but I really can not imagine not having her. Although the time has gone fast, it's hard to remember my life before her.

Claire is so funny at this age. She says things every day that make us laugh. Her imagination is huge right now. The other day, I caught her playing with two fridge magnets. She was pretending they were horses, and they were having quite the conversation with each other.

Claire is incredibly sweet. She tells us she loves us all the time, and she always looks out for her little brother. Although still very shy, she is starting to come out of her shell quite a bit. She now goes to preschool without so much as a fuss, and asks about it on the days she doesn't go.

She looooves singing, and has a ton of songs memorized that she sings by herself. It's adorable to watch. She loves animals, especially our cat Mabel. I often find her laying with her, and petting her, and talking softly to her.

We are so thankful to have this beautiful, smart, funny, sensitive little girl in our lives, and can't wait to see what her fourth year brings.

One day old

One year old

Two years old

Three years old

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